Study in Spain
Please, find below how DIRECT ACCESS to the Spanish public university from the British System (A Levels) or International Baccalaureate (IB) works without the need to take the EVAU exam (Spanish exam to access to the university):
Students do not need to take the EVAU exam. The equivalent grade corresponding to the general phase of the EVAU (access grade out of 10 points) is calculated by applying the pertinent conversion formula of each programme.
-International Baccalaureate (IB): The students do not need to take the EVAU exam. The equivalent grade corresponding to the general phase of the EVAU (access grade out of 10 points) is calculated by averaging the grades obtained in the 6 IB subjects. A conversion formula is applied which results in the following equivalences:

There exist 4 additional points that a student can obtain in the specific phase of the EVAU (PCE) by taking into account the grades of two subjects in order to increase his/her access grade, and it can be achieved by any of these three alternatives, which are compatible with each other:
Option 1: Take the UNED (National University of Distance Learning) specific test for two subjects. The preparation for these subjects takes place in the school and during their class timetable.
Option 2: Apply for the recognition of IB subjects without having to take the PCE exams.
Option 3: Take the PCE exams and apply for the recognition of IB subjects. In this case, only the option in which the qualification is more beneficial to the student will be taken into account. For example, if a student takes "Matemáticas II" and also applies for the recognition of "Mathematics High level", he/she will be awarded the highest of the two grades.
- British system (A Levels): Access to university depends on the results obtained in the AS/A Level examinations to be taken at the end of each of the years that constitute the baccalaureate, Year 12-Year 13. As in the International Baccalaureate, our students are exempt from taking the EVAU exam, as they can obtain up to 10 points through their A Level subjects.
Students choose 4 A Level subjects, and they need to pass at least 3 in order to get direct access to the Spanish public universities. In order to unify criteria, in the United Kingdom the "UCAS POINTS TABLE", which assigns a numerical value to the marks obtained in the AS/A2 examinations, is established as a scale for university access.

The 4 additional points that a student can obtain in the Specific Phase of the EVAU (PCE) thanks to the grade of two subjects to increase their access grade, can be obtained through the exams of the Specific Phase.
Students need to take the UNED specific test for each subject. The preparation for these subjects takes place in the school and during their class timetable.