Studying Abroad

The school uses an extensive career’s programme based on the Gatsby Benchmarks that aim to ensure that students arrive in 6th Form with an idea of how the world of work is changing at a global level and potentially interesting career paths and university destinations. The online platform unifrog guides students through this process from start to finish, and particularly at the time of considering and applying for university with a wealth of information and tools to develop and manage applications. This is particularly useful for students willing to broaden their horizons and study abroad.

Given that our students develop an extremely high level of English proficiency throughout their time here, this platform gives them an excellent opportunity to find the right course for them, in Spain or across the world for other courses given in English.
The ‘know-how’ library synthesises information from a range of different sources to provide essential information for students in a manageable format so their ambitions are not restricted by a lack of knowledge. From California to Singapore, students can find a combination of facts, processes and expert advice to help them. The ultimate goal of our career’s programme is to help them make the best choice for their future based on the best possible information, while also guiding them through the process from start to finish.

This programme is complemented by a University Information Series provided to students from Y11 onwards to provide more information about universities in ever-growing popular destinations such as USA, Canada, the UK and the Netherlands while also providing essential technical information for applications in Spain.
The IB Diploma Programme provides students with an internationally recognised qualification that allows them to access universities from all over the world only with the grades in each subject and total score once the core 3 points have been added. Many universities will state their preference for which High Level subjects are studied, for example a student wanting to pursue engineering will need to have High Level Maths Analysis and Physics.
The tailored A-Levels for some of our students provide the same level of access at an international level. In both cases, students may have to complete additional entrance exams depending on the country or university and in most cases they will supplement their grades with a personal application, interviews and academic references. This allows the students to compete in an already competitive environment as they rely on their extracurricular activities and personal development to stand out amongst their peers. In fact, in the case of the IB, universities regularly comment that students coming from an IB programme come better prepared than others for university life.